Traffic Division

Know Your Roads
Identify the governing body responsible for the maintenance and operation of each road within the county's road network.

Traffic Signals
The Martin County Traffic Division updates and maintains traffic signals to meet state and federal standards.

Traffic Signs
The Martin County Traffic Division inspects, maintains, and replaces traffic signage to ensure the signs remain in optimal condition.

There are approximately 6,000 streetlights throughout Martin County. Report a streetlight repair, replacement, or installation.

Traffic Safety
Traffic safety information including flashing yellow arrows, crosswalks, and pedestrian safety.

Crash Surveillance Reports
Crash surveillance reports analyze high-risk intersections, fatal crashes, and incidents, offering recommendations for safety improvements.

Road And Site Construction Standards
Road design and construction standards are technical documents that provide specifications for road and traffic design.

Report Maintenance of County Roads
Report maintenance or repairs, such as potholes, road repairs, or pavement breaks, on a county-maintained roadway.

Report Maintenance Of Unpaved Roads
Report an issue with an unpaved or "dirt road" in unincorporated Martin County.
What We Do
Martin County's Traffic Division is responsible for managing about 15,000 street signs, nearly 200 traffic signals and school zone flashers, and approximately 2,000 roadway lighting assemblies throughout the county. Our mission is to ensure the orderly, safe, and efficient movement of people and goods by maintaining an appropriate balance between well-organized operations and safety along the transportation network of Martin County.
Martin County Public Works