Thank you for your interest in the Flight Simulator. We would be delighted to have you as a student. 

To register, please use the link to the left. Please complete the entire registration form. Lessons consist of six 1-hour sessions. Your registration will confirm you for all six days, so be sure to check your confirmation for the start date. A makeup day is included in case an instructor/student cannot make a lesson. Please be sure to watch the training videos before attending each lesson.

The minimum age is 10 and requires a great deal of focus and concentration. Children unable to focus or who are easily distracted may not function well in this environment. It is recommended they wait until they're older.

We ask for the student’s birth month and date, not the year. This provides the student with a unique Pilot ID. For instance, if Tom Hanks were a student, his birthday is July 9 so his pilot ID would be N0709TH. This allows us to identify students on the web without using names.

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