Program Description

The CRA Property Improvement Program is designed to encourage visible, exterior improvements to any existing commercial property or buildings and to encourage private investment within the target area. The CRA will provide 80% of the project cost, as a reimbursement, up to a maximum of $20,000 per property to supplement private funds to pay for the design and construction of property improvements.


  • Project Cost: $25,000.00 
  • CRA Program (maximum): $20,000.00 
  • Owner's Responsibility: $ 5,000.00

  • Exterior painting, stucco or siding 
  • Installation of awnings 
  • New windows and/or doors 
  • Exterior signage
  • Landscaping 
  • Parking lot improvements
  • Repair or addition of exterior architectural elements (e.g., addition or improvement of balconies, porches, entryways or arcades) 
  • Lighting 
  • Decorative pavement 
  • Dumpster enclosures 
  • Fencing

Note: All architectural designs, materials and colors must be consistent with the target area Community Redevelopment Plan and Land Development Regulations.

  • All improvements to the property must be visible from the public right-of-way. 
  • Only one project award shall be made per property within a four-year period.
  • Applicant must be in business for two years before application. 
  • A property must be in compliance with state and/or federal rules such as ADA, etc. 
  • If the property has active code violations, i.e., dumpsters, fences, etc., those activities must be included in the application. 
  • Properties listed for sale may not apply. 
  • Applicants may re-apply if deadlines are missed, which would result in the cancellation of the application. (Re-application does not guarantee availability of funding and/or approval.
  • Adjoining parking lots, roofs and landscaping are ineligible as standalone projects; however, they may be included as a component of the eligible improvements as described above and will only be considered in conjunction with the overall physical facade improvements to the structure. 
  • The CRA Board will evaluate submissions and have discretion in selecting those that advance the neighborhood, will be a catalyst for other businesses and complement area improvements. The CRA Board may request applicants to revise applicable improvements to further enhance the overall property and area where the improvements are located. 
  • An application (or multiple applications submitted in tandem) that improves one full block or represents large scale redevelopment for one of the targeted areas may be eligible for additional funding at the discretion of the CRA Board. 
  • Funds will NOT be provided on a retroactive basis for work that was completed before an application is submitted and approved by Martin County. The application must be completed and submitted before the project is initiated.
  • New construction is not eligible. 
  • Business cannot be part of a national chain. 
  • Historic building demolition is not eligible. 

Please note: The Property Improvement Program benefits are contingent upon funding availability and CRA approval and are not to be construed as an entitlement or right of a property owner or applicant. Properties in the CRA areas are not eligible for CRA funded programs when such funding conflicts with the goals and or objectives of any County code or State statute.

  1. Complete the Application:
  2. Submit the Application Package:
    • Send the completed application package to the Program Manager for the CRA area where the project is located. Please include:
      • Completed application
      • Proof of property ownership
      • Signed lease (if applicable)
      • Detailed scope of work
      • “Before” photographs of the areas to be improved
      • Any additional items listed on the Application or Application Checklist
  3. Initial Review:
    • CRA staff will assess the application for completeness, accuracy, and compliance with Land Development Regulations and the Community Redevelopment Plan.
  4. Project Discussion:
    • Meet with CRA staff to discuss the project and review the application details.
  5. Board Review:
    • CRA staff will present the project to the CRA Board, which will decide on approval or denial based on program guidelines and the project’s impact.
  6. Program Agreement:
    • Upon approval, sign an agreement with the CRA outlining obligations for reimbursement.
  7. Permit Applications & Construction:
    • Submit permit applications to the County once the site or remodeling plans are approved. Begin construction upon receiving permits and adhere to County regulations. Ensure all permits are obtained and fees are paid.
  8. Project Signage:
    • Display a sign (provided by the CRA) indicating CRA support during construction.
  9. Completion & Reimbursement:
    • After project completion, final inspection, and obtaining a certificate of occupancy or completion (if applicable), submit a reimbursement package to the County, including:
      • Completed reimbursement form
      • Copies of invoices or receipts
      • Proof of payment (matching the application amount)
      • Copies of all permits
      • Photos of improvements (before and after)
  10. Reimbursement Review:
    • The County will review the reimbursement package. If complete, reimbursement will be issued as per the program agreement.
  11. Reimbursement Expiration:
    • If the project is not completed, does not pass final inspection, or does not receive a certificate of occupancy or completion within one year from the program agreement date, the reimbursement award will expire.

The following selection criteria will be used to review applications for the CRA Investment Programs:

  1. Quality of Site Design and Materials: 
    • Extent to which the proposed project promotes the unique character of the CRA area and promotes conformity with neighboring structures through the implementation of the Land Development Regulations and the use of urban design principles, site design, architecture, materials, color, landscaping, and other visual and physical amenities. Does this project promote consistency in design and create a fresh and aesthetically pleasing environment? Will this project include appropriate exterior rehabilitation of a building and bringing it up to code?
  2. Streetscape Appearance and Functionality: 
    • Extent to which the proposed project enhances and improves the aesthetics of the streetscape, including the addition or enhancement of display windows, awnings, landscaping, and architectural features such as arcades, balconies and porches, the use of materials, color, signage or other amenities.
  3. Historic Preservation and Materials: 
    • Extent to which the proposed project promotes the historic character of the neighborhood through historic preservation, adaptive re-use of historic structures, site design, architecture, materials, landscaping, and other visual and physical amenities.
  4. Traffic and Pedestrian Safety: 
    • Extent to which the proposed project promotes ease of mobility, traffic, bicycle, and pedestrian safety, creates defensible space between traffic and pedestrians, and enhances parking, handicapped accessibility, and sidewalk facilities.
  5. Removal of Slum or Blight and Positive Impact to the Neighborhood: 
    • Extent to which the proposed project upgrades substandard structures, eliminates nonconforming uses, or corrects recurring code violations. Will this project visually impact the block and streetscape and eliminate blight? Will this project reduce the perception of crime? Will the project help to reverse the deterioration of commercial structures in the area? Will the project stimulate new private investment and economic growth?

Contact Us

If you have any additional questions, please contact us.

Office of Community Development
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
2401 SE Monterey Road
Stuart, Florida 34996
(772) 463-3253