Token Transit

Pay for your MARTY bus pass using Token Transit, a free mobile ticketing app that allows you purchase, activate and board using just your phone! Customers need to download Token Transit to use the mobile pay option.

You can also instantly deliver passes for your friends and family via the Send a Pass feature, which allows you to purchase and send a pass to any phone number you choose.


1. Download

Download the free Token Transit app from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).

Token Transit App

2. Purchase

Choose a fare type and purchase passes with your credit or debit card for immediate or future use.


3. Activate

As the bus approaches, open your app and tap your pass to activate.



All fares are payable:

  1. Via the Token Transit app;
  2. By cash (exact change only), or 
  3. Via paper single Trip Tickets / All Day Passes

Drivers are not permitted to make change, or accept tips of any kind.



Fixed Route 1, 2, 3, & 4 – Full Fare 


Fixed Route 1, 2, 3, & 4 – Half Fare


Fixed Route 1, 2, 3, & 4 – All-Day Pass


Commuter Express 20X – Full Fare


Commuter Express 20X – Half Fare


ADA Paratransit – Full Fare



Half Fare: is offered on the fixed routes and commuter express route to the following: senior passengers (age 65+) with proof of ID (valid driver’s license or State ID card), passengers with disabilities and passengers with Medicare card and ID.

Free Fare: is offered to Veterans that provide identification (ID). The following six identification forms are accepted:

  • Department of Defense (DOD) Active-Duty ID Card
  • Department of Defense (DOD) Retired ID Card
  • Department of Defense (DOD) Dependent or 100% Disabled ID Card
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans ID Card
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Medical ID Card
  • Florida Driver’s License 100% Disabled Veterans ID Card

To obtain a paper ticket or passes:

Bring a check or exact change cash to:

Martin County Administrative Center
2401 SE Monterey Road
Stuart FL 34996

Route Descriptions:

Fixed Route: Service operates along a prescribed route according to a fixed schedule. Marty’s fixed route services typically run between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Fixed Route buses are equipped with ramps for ease in boarding and alighting of mobility devices. You must always be seated while riding. If you are riding in a wheelchair or using a mobility aid, your equipment must be secured to the floor of the vehicle by four securement straps. Drivers are trained to secure your mobility aids to the floor and can assist with securing your seat belt and verify that you are secure.

Mobility Aids on Fixed Route: Marty can accommodate walkers, canes and “common wheelchairs” whether operated manually or powered. MARTY may not be able to accommodate you if your wheelchair/mobility device is longer than 48 inches or wider than 30 inches or if your total weight when occupying your wheelchair is more than 600 pounds. Per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is not intended to be a comprehensive system of transportation for individuals with disabilities.

Commuter Route: Buses are limited stop services along a prescribed route to Palm Beach County.

ADA Paratransit Service: is a shared ride, door-to-door trip provided to ADA eligible individuals and whose origin and destination fall within ¾ of a mile of a scheduled fixed route service. This service runs the same hours as fixed route service - between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Contact Us

For any other questions about purchasing MARTY passes, please call Martin County Public Transit customer service Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at (772) 463-2860.