Pursuant to Florida Statutes 553.80, by December 31 of each year, the governing body of a local government that provides a schedule of fees shall create a building permit and inspection utilization report and post the report on its website. The information in the report shall be derived from relevant information available in the most recently completed financial audit. After December 31, of each year, the governing body of a local government that provides a schedule of fees shall update its building permit and inspection utilization report before making any adjustments to the fee schedule.

Martin County’s fiscal year begins on October 1 and ends on September 30.  The information below is derived between that period for each respective fiscal year. Below please find the Building Permit and Inspection Utilization Reports.

Building Permit and Inspection Utilization Report: Fiscal Year 2024
Category Total
Personnel Services Costs Including Salary *
Operating Expenditures & Expenses *
Investment Earnings *
Reserve Balance Carried Forward *
Revenue Derived from Fees/Fines *
Refunds *
Number of Building Permit Applications Submitted 17,107
Number of Building Permits Issued or Approved 16,778
Number of Building Inspections & Reinspections Requested 71,813
Number of Building Inspections & Reinspections Conducted 67,720
Number of Building Inspections Conducted by a Private Provider 12,393
Number of Audits Conducted by the Local Government of Private Provider Building Inspections 0
Number of Personnel Dedicated to Enforce the FBC, Issue Building Permits & Conduct Inspections 36.5

*FY2024 Financial Audit is currently underway by the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller.

Building Permit and Inspection Utilization Report: Fiscal Year 2023
Category Total
Personnel Services Costs Including Salary $3,353,222.32
Operating Expenditures & Expenses $3,014,950.66
Investment Earnings $512,942.53
Reserve Balance Carried Forward $11,862,923.90
Revenue Derived from Fees/Fines $7,731,547.71
Refunds $32,143.09
Number of Building Permit Applications Submitted 16,235
Number of Building Permits Issued or Approved 16,197
Number of Building Inspections & Reinspections Requested 68,969
Number of Building Inspections & Reinspections Conducted 64,376
Number of Building Inspections Conducted by a Private Provider 4,398
Number of Audits Conducted by the Local Government of Private Provider Building Inspections 0
Number of Personnel Dedicated to Enforce the FBC, Issue Building Permits & Conduct Inspections 36.5