
Program Overview
How are we making Martin County more resilient? On Wednesday, June 17, 2020, Martin County Coastal Management staff hosted two Facebook Live events to discuss our Resilient Martin Program. You can re-watch the presentation here. This Martin County initiative will help you understand the future risks of sea-level rise and what we’re doing to mitigate them.
Story Map
In our Resilient Martin Story Map, we will discuss some of the ways Martin County is planning for future conditions and risks, by identifying the most effective and fiscally responsible responses to Sea Level Rise. This map provides an interactive view of the county showing the potential Sea Level Rise conditions of 2070.

Community Resilience is the ability to adapt to changing conditions, including acute shocks and chronic stresses. Acute shocks are emergencies that cause sudden disruptions in services and include things like severe hurricanes, heat waves, wildfires, and infrastructure failures.
However, chronic stresses weaken the fabric of a community over time while also negatively impacting the fiscal efficiency of local governments. Stresses in our region include heavy rainfall and flooding events, rising sea levels and coastal erosion, and exposure of public water supplies vulnerable to saltwater intrusion.
The frequency and intensity of our community’s stresses and shocks will increase as the climate continues to change. Community resilience means spending time and resources to plan for these future shocks and stresses. It is no longer enough to make plans and infrastructure investments based on current conditions alone. By planning for future conditions and risks, we can identify the most effective and fiscally responsible responses. Through resilience planning, Martin County will ensure that these challenges are addressed in current and future actions.

Martin County has received grant funding from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Grant #CM933 in 2017 and Grant #R1911 in 2019) to perform targeted analyses required to develop a resiliency plan that addresses the impacts of sea level rise.
Grant products from work in 2018 included an initial map series depicting sea level rise for three time frames using three different model projections. More recent work has focused slightly further in the future on 2040, 2070, and 2100 time frames, with increased detail.
The data and maps developed through these grants will allow for the county to develop a resiliency plan that would include mitigation for expected local hazards. Future work may incorporate storm surge and extreme precipitation events to increase the value of these maps.
Please sign up for updates and meeting notifications about the development of our resilience plan.

Sea Level Rise Report
The rate at which Martin County residents face impacts from sea level rise is increasing along with the severity of those impacts. The County is developing response plans to address current flooding issues as well as future impacts from predicted sea level rise.
This report provides a brief background on climate change and sea level rise, explains the goals and analysis employed to develop the report and contains examples of both individual sector and overall economic impacts. Recommendations and links to actual work products are also provided in the report.
SLR Vulnerability Map Series
These maps show the potential Sea Level Rise (SLR) in Martin County and the infrastructure that could possibly be impacted at 2070, 2100, and 2100 plus a 100 year storm.
NOAA Coastal Flood Exposure Mapper
NOAA's Coastal Flood Exposure Mapper enables users to explore maps that show people, places, and natural resources exposed to coastal flood hazards and create a collection of maps to share and communicate about flood exposure.
Perform a property search via the county's Flood Zones Map to find out which flood zone your home or property is located in.
View local areas which may potentially be inundated with storm surge or whose evacuation routes may be impacted by storm surge.

Economic Vulnerability
This economic vulnerability tool summarizes the extent to which Martin County businesses could be impacted by rising sea levels.
The tool allows the user to select various impact categories and forecast periods for 2 different projections, the NOAA Intermediate High and NOAA Higher High water conditions.
Results from various combinations will demonstrate how differing conditions could impact business sectors. Reports can be generated for specific commission districts or for municipalities and for specific industry groups.
Recognizing that addressing community resilience requires all of us to work together, here are some things you can do to incorporate sustainability best practices into your life.
Conserving energy not only reduces your monthly electric bill, but also reduces carbon emissions into our atmosphere. Take the FPL Home Energy Survey ❯
Protect water resources by visiting the South Florida Water Management District's tips on how to conserve water resources ❯
Visit the county’s Protect Our Paradise website, which serves as a portal for visitors and residents to learn more about environmental conditions, initiatives, sustainable tourism, and issues taking place in Martin County, including ways visitors can help.
Report any illicit discharge, illicit connection to the county's drainage system, pipe failures, construction site runoff, or other stormwater issues which contribute to pollution of our local water bodies. Make a Report ❯
Plastic straws are one of the many single-use plastics that litter beaches, pollute oceans and harm wildlife. Martin County has adopted a single-use plastic reduction strategy and you can help by shopping local vendors that support sustainability practices and incorporating reduction strategies into your everyday routine.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection encourages Florida residents and visitors to reduce their plastic use and “Skip the Straw.”
For one week, residents, schools and businesses can Take the Pledge to Skip the Straw ❯
Clean local waterways are critical to our community and surrounding areas. Maintaining and improving water quality is essential to protect public health, quality of life, fisheries, wildlife, and watersheds and to ensure opportunities for public recreation and economic development.
The Martin County Board of County Commissioners continues to invest significantly in this crucial effort and is a leader in the development of water quality improvement projects in our region. No other county in the state of Florida has invested as much as Martin County for Everglades restoration.
Stay engaged about our ongoing resilience initiatives by visiting our Engage page to take our survey, sign up for our newsletter, and contact us with any questions you may have about the Resilient Martin Program.

Looking for more information about Florida’s resilience community?
In this section, we will include helpful videos and links to external information that explain the many different causes and outcomes that are linked to climate change and how they impact our environment and our daily lives.
Learn more about statewide efforts and view helpful tools, fact sheets, and more by visiting these additional resources.
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