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Sep 25

Public Safety Coordinating Council Meeting

Public Safety Coordinating CouncilEach board of county commissioners shall establish a County Public Safety Coordinating Council for the county or shall join with a consortium of one or more other counties to establish a Public Safety Coordinating Council for the geographic area represented by the member counties. The Council shall meet at the call of the chairperson for the purpose of assessing the population status of all detention or correctional facilities owned or contracted by the county, or the county consortium, and formulating recommendations to ensure that the capacities of such facilities are not exceeded. Such recommendations shall include an assessment of the availability of pretrial intervention or probation programs, work-release programs, substance abuse programs, gain-time schedules, applicable bail bond schedules, and the confinement status of the inmates housed within each facility owned or contracted by the county, or the county consortium. The Council may also develop a local public safety plan for future construction needs. The plan must cover at least a 5-year period. The plan may be submitted for consideration to the local planning agency for the county, or the planning agency for each county within the consortium, at least 120 days before the adoption of or amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the county by the Local Planning Agency pursuant to Part II of Chapter 163.

Michelle Miller, Director