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Sep 5

Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council Meeting

Emergency Medical Services Advisory CouncilThe purpose and objectives are:A.    To act as a County EMS advisory body, keeping members informed about State and National issues of concerns to EMS providers.B.    To advise the Martin County Board of County Commissioners on matters concerning Emergency Medical Services.C.    To promote regional coordination and cooperation of EMS services.D.    To act as a liaison body for Martin County EMS providers.E.    To provide a forum to discuss the common problems and concerns shared by EMS agencies serving Martin County.F.    To encourage training and education of both the professional provider and members of the general public in the provision of emergency medical care.G.    To encourage optimal performance standards.H.    To engage in the planning, development and implementation of such activities and programs as deemed desirable in order to accomplish its general objectives or purposes, either by itself or in cooperation with other persons, groups, agencies, firms, corporations or organizations with programs relating to this Council's goals.

Danielle Hinote, FRD Records Management Coordinator