
Vendors talking at the Taste of Jensen event

Martin County Parks and Recreation requires activities that are open to the public and held within unincorporated Martin County (whether held in a county park or a county road) to have a special event permit.

Activities that are held on private property are not required to have a special event permit, unless those activities encroach upon County property, or include the sale of alcohol.

Our event team prides itself on giving the best customer service imaginable. We understand the importance of community events and how they impact the quality of life for residents.

We look forward to working with you to ensure that the process is as stress-free as possible and to help guide you through the permitting process.

What Qualifies as a "Special Event"?

Any preplanned entertainment, sporting, cultural, business, or other type of unique activity including parades, festivals, races, tournaments, concerts, etc., presented to a live audience and open to the public that is to be held in whole or in part upon property owned or managed by the County and that may substantially inhibit the usual flow of pedestrian or vehicular travel or which deviates from the established use of the place or building.

This excludes activities not open to the public including: private indoor facility rentals, pavilion rentals, or other activities for which a permit has been issued by the County.

How to Apply

View the Special Event Handbook and Permit Application to review the process for obtaining a special event permit, then, complete the application. You may then submit your application online, by mail, or in person. 

Submit Application Online:

Event organizers may complete the Special Event Permit Application, then save it to your desktop. Next, attach your completed application as well as the organization's 501(c)3 or non-profit letter, if applicable, to our online submission form, then select Submit Request. Your application will then be routed to the appropriate staff.

Upon receipt, staff will contact the organizer to request any additional items that may be required to completed depending upon the size and scope of the event. Permitting fees will also be discussed at that time.

OR —

Submit application by mail (or in person):

Martin County Parks & Recreation
Attn: Events & Volunteer Coordinator
2401 SE Monterey Road
Stuart, FL, 34996

Application Deadline: Special event applications must be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the event unless it is considered a *High Impact Event, in which case must be submitted 6 months prior to event (*Any event, with or without alcohol, which involves a road closure of 12 or more hours and/or anticipated attendance of 5,000 or more persons.)

Martin County Parks and Recreation
2401 SE Monterey Road
Stuart, FL, 34996

(772)-221-1430 or events@martin.fl.us.