Martin County manages projects through a capital improvement plan or CIP. This multi-year plan identifies needs and funding sources for public infrastructure maintenance and improvements. Tax reform imposed by the state and the 2018 recession required the temporary suspension of many projects that would have been funded with ad valorem property taxes.

As a result, the Martin County Board of County Commissioners explored alternative methods of funding, however, the proposed one-cent sales tax and fire assessment fee were not approved, resulting in these projects needing to be considered for long-term financing. The county has approved these priority projects and borrowed money with a multi-year obligation for payment to complete them. The funding stream for repayment comes from recurring non-ad valorem revenues -ambulance transport fees and state shared revenues.


Planning – Approved by board, pre-project work
Design – Design and permitting
Construction – Notice to proceed has been issued to contractor
Complete– Project is substantially complete


Rendering of fire rescue training facility and tower


The design and construction of a new fire rescue training facility. Phase 1 of the project will include a 6,926 sq ft building with two classrooms and an equipment bay to accommodate emergency vehicles. 


  • Construction commencement October 2022.
  • All necessary FAA permits have been received. 
  • Construction of the project access driveway connection to Kingswood Terrace is complete. 
  • Building Department review of the classroom building is complete. 
  • Airport site plan approval process is complete. 
  • Design of the training tower and burn building is complete.
  • Construction Contract award to lowest bidder was approved by the Board on July 12, 2022. 


The Public Safety Training Facility first appeared as an unfunded project in the FY2012 CIP with design/construction to be completed in FY20/21. With funding secured through ambulance transfer fees and other funding sources secured, the project is now moving forward.

Funding Data

Revenues Total

Impact Fees


Debt Service


Revenue Total



Aiport Property


Construction of the new station is complete with a grand opening and open house set for Wednesday, June 7 at 10 a.m.  The structure was built to a 50-year life expectancy and in accordance with NFPA standards to include storage for personal protective equipment outside of the bay area where it cannot be exposed to diesel exhaust fumes.


  • The design firm is CPZ Architects and construction contractor is The Morganti Group.
  • Construction is ongoing.  
  • Project is 95% complete.  
  • Estimated completion is July 2023


Due to rapidly declining conditions to the structure and electrical framework, the Hutchinson Island Fire Station 14 project first appeared in the FY16 CIP with design scheduled for FY20 and construction in FY21.

Funding data

Revenues Total

Impact Fees


Debt Service


Revenue Total




This map indicates the future location of Fire station #14

Project Description

Replacement of existing fire station. The structure will be built to a 50-year life expectancy and in accordance with NFPA standards to include storage for personal protective equipment outside of the bay area where it cannot be exposed to diesel exhaust fumes.


The project is complete and a ribbon cutting ceremony and open house were held on December 14, 2022. 


This facility was identified in the 2015 real estate analysis as needing to be renovated or replaced. The existing living quarters are not conducive to 24-hour daily commercial use and the equipment storage areas need to be upgraded. During emergency activations for hurricanes, the station personnel have been relocated to a nearby temporary location to continue serving the community.

Funding Data

Revenues Total

Debt Service


Revenue Total




This map indicates the location of fire rescue station #18 along Britt Road


Relocation and construction of Fire Station 33 in the Seabranch/Ridgeway corridor.


This project is complete and a ribbon cutting ceremony and open house was held on June 23, 2022. 


The Ridgeway Fire Station 33 project first appeared in the FY07 CIP as a major renovation.

Funding data

Revenues Total

Impact Fees


Debt Service


Revenue Total




This map indicates the future location of Ridgeway Fire Station #33



Major renovation of existing station to include the addition of a new two-bay truck storage area and complete remodel of existing station space. he structure will be built to a 50-year life expectancy and in accordance with NFPA standards to include storage for personal protective equipment outside of the bay area where it cannot be exposed to diesel exhaust fumes.


Renovations are complete and a ribbon cutting ceremony and open house was held on February 10, 2022. 


The renovation project for Countyline Fire Station 36 was first introduced in the FY16 CIP. 

Funding data

Revenues Total

Ad Valorem




Debt Service


Revenue Total




Countyline Fire Station #36



The Martin County Sheriff's Office currently does not have a designated training/kennel facility and care area for the K-9 unit as the previous location for K-9 training and care was eliminated to make room for the evidence storage building.

The new facility will centralize housing, care and training for the K-9 unit and will be located on county property directly south of the Holt Correctional Center. 


  • Architect is CPZ Architects.
  • Design is complete and project is out to bid.
  • Estimated completion is April 2024.

Funding data

Revenues Total

Debt Service


Revenue Total





Currently housing 75 staff members from Field Operations, Traffic, Mosquito Control, Vehicle Maintenance and General Services, the new facility will be built to accommodate current Public Works and General Services  employees and provide additional space for Parks Operations, administrative staff and future growth.  


The current building was constructed in 1991 and, at the time, housed a staff of 40 employees. Current staffing and storage needs, as well as the need to protect the health and safety of employees, require a solution. Martin County's Real Property division closed on a 30-acre parcel on Kanner Highway and plans are now underway for construction of the facility.

Funding data

Revenues Total

Debt Service


Revenue Total



The current generator at the courthouse complex


Installation of a new generator for the Peter L. Cheney Courthouse and Constitutional Office Center in downtown Stuart.


The Peter L. Cheney Courthouse and Constitutional Office Center only has generator power to run minimal life safety equipment at the site and must close for business during power outages such as those experienced during a storm or other emergency. A new generator will supply backup power to enable the 19th Judicial Circuit, Clerk of Circuit Court, State Attorney's Office and Public Defender's Office to continue to function during a power outage. 

Funding data

Revenues Total

Debt Service


Revenue Total



The existing storage building


Replacement of an existing storage building at the Holt Law Enforcement Complex with a new warehouse to accommodate relocating the Sheriff’s Purchasing Division from the Sheriff's Administrative Center, as well as provide for offices and air-conditioned storage.


The Sheriff’s Purchasing Division has outgrown their current space. Remodeling this former vehicle maintenance building will provide adequate space for many years and free up space in the current Sheriff's Administrative Center.

Funding data

Revenues Total

Debt Service


Revenue Total



A shower at the Holt Correctional Facility


Repairs and renovations to housing pods at the Holt Correctional Facility. Pods are being renovated one at a time and two of the five pods are now complete. Expected completion date is July 2024.


The Holt Correctional Facility was constructed approximately 30 years ago and has been in constant use by the inmate population since that time, allowing little opportunity to perform repairs to the housing pods. Pods need repairs/renovations including, but not limited to, shower walls and floors, dayroom floor resurfacing and finishing, cell door preventative maintenance and painting. There is an opportunity to perform much-needed services in a pod-wide effort in conjunction with heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) replacement. 

Funding data

Revenues Total

Debt Service


Revenue Total



Holt Correctional Center_Chiller Install


Replacement of generators at the Holt Correctional Facility and the Sheriff's Administration Building.


The original Holt Correctional Facility and Sheriff's Administration generators were installed in 1989 and have reached their useful life expectancy. The county has prolonged the life of these generators through extensive maintenance, but they have reached the point where they cannot be relied upon during emergencies and storm events.

Funding data

Revenues Total

Debt Service


Revenue Total





Sailfish Sands Golf Course is a phased capital improvement project over many budget cycles to improve the overall course conditions and failing infrastructure. The project includes a re-modeled pro shop and the construction of new facilities including:

  • clubhouse/indoor hitting bays
  • 9-hole course
  • cart pathways
  • driving range
  • golf carts with GPS
  • 3 golf course restrooms

Phase 1 - COMPLETE - New reversible 9-hole course and lighted Top Tracer driving range construction are complete. New golf carts with GPS are now in operation. 3 new on-course restrooms are complete.

Phase 2 - COMPLETE - Parking lot, landscaping improvements and driving range lights in nearing completion. St. Lucie Blvd traffic calming and landscaping improvements are nearing completion. Exotic/invasive tree removal for the old Gold course is complete. Gold cart pathways replacement complete.

Phase 3 - COMPLETE - New Clubhouse & hitting bays, pro-shop renovations. Construction is complete.


The Martin County Golf Course is a 300-acre, 36-hole public golf course owned and operated by Martin County. The 50-year old course needs significant updates and repairs of pathways, buildings, fairways, greens, etc.

Funding data

Revenues Total

Ad Valorem


Parks Discretionary Sales Tax


Golf Course Development Fund


Debt Service


Revenue Total



Project renderings


Inside of hitting bays

Inside of the hitting bays looking out to driving range.


Side view of hitting bays

Side view of the hitting bays. 


Front view of the clubhouse

Front view of the clubhouse.

Side view of the clubhouse.

Side view of the clubhouse.