Summer Reading Program 2025

Participate in Summer Reading from May 30 to August 10!

Kids (babies – 5th grade):

Log the minutes you have read to earn badges and rewards. Recommended reading is 20 minutes a day for 30 days, totaling 600 minutes read. Reading every day is what matters!

  • 100 minutes read (or 5 days) = 1st FREE book prize
  • 200 minutes read (or 10 days) = 2nd FREE book prize
  • 400 minutes read (or 20 days) = 3rd FREE book prize
  • 600 minutes read (or 30 days) = Invitation to Summer Reading Finale Party and one free-admission pass to Sailfish Splash Waterpark (while supplies last)!

A free book prize will be earned for 100, 200, and 400 minutes read or 5, 10, and 20 days read. When you have read 600 minutes or 30 days, you will receive a Sailfish Splash Waterpark Pass and an invitation to the Finale Party as the final prize! Parents or guardians will receive a 20% discount on their admission with the pass.

Download the Beanstack Tracker app to track your reading and/or go to to register, track reading, and to view Page Turner Adventures virtual events! Visit the online events calendar for all other Summer Reading events.

Teens (grades 6th -12th):

  • Each book review = 1 hour of volunteer time + entry into a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card raffle.

Submit a book review online by going to or via the Beanstack Tracker mobile app. A badge will be earned for each book review submitted. Each badge will count as 1 hour of volunteer time and an entry into the $50 Barnes & Noble gift card raffle. Teens can submit up to 50 book reviews! The raffle will be drawn at the conclusion of the summer reading program.

The Youth Summer Reading Program is sponsored by The Library Foundation of Martin County, Inc. Page Turner Adventures virtual events are sponsored by the Southeast Florida Library Information Network (SEFLIN).


Did you know that many of the things you love about your library are supported by the Friends of the Martin County Library System? This year’s Adult Summer Reading Program will help you learn about the extras brought to you by the Friends!

To enter for a chance to win a gift card to a local art business, pick up a brochure at your local library or sign-up on Beanstack. Check off at least six (6) of the listed activities between May 30th and August 10th, 2025. Then, fill out the form and drop it off at any branch library by August 11th, 2025, or participate and enter the drawing online by going to

The Adult Summer Reading Program is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.