Dial 2-1-1 or 9-8 to speak with a highly trained specialist
Calls are free, confidential, and available 24/7
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211 is a community helpline and crisis hotline that provides suicide prevention, crisis intervention, information, assessment, and referral to community services for people of all ages. We proudly serve;
Indian River County, Martin County, Okeechobee County, Palm Beach County, and St. Lucie County.
Caring staff will listen to each individual's situation to provide information on available social services, community services, and resources that include food assistance, medical clinics, foreclosure prevention, parenting info on developmental concerns (Help Me Grow) & special needs, senior services that include free "Sunshine" daily calls, services for children & families, teens, seniors, family caregivers, veterans, first responders and more.
*211’s highly trained staff also continue to be the frontline responder for the national 988 Lifeline.
Recent News
211 provides many Quick Reference Resource Guides for your use.
You can also call 2-1-1 for more detailed information
For over 50 years in times
of personal crisis, struggle
or disaster
we have been
here to help all.