Frequent asked library questions answered:


The Martin County Library has a collection of over 300,000 items in a variety of formats and for a wide range of age levels.

Our collection consists of:

  • Books in the following categories
    • Fiction (including Mysteries, Science Fiction, Westerns, and Paperbacks)
    • Nonfiction
    • Biographies
  • Children's Books (including Easy Books for young children, Juvenile Fiction and Nonfiction, Vox books, and Wonderbooks)
  • Young Adult Books
  • Large Print Books
  • Reference Books
  • Florida Books
  • Genealogy Books
  • Foreign Language Books
  • Grants Books
  • eBooks
  • Books on CD
  • Books on Playaway
  • Talking Books (for the visually impaired)
  • DVD's (Nonfiction and films)
  • Music CD's
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers
  • Microfilm
  • Maps and Charts
  • Laptops
  • Tablets
  • Cameras
  • Kits for book clubs, story time, literacy, GED, and STEM use

The Lucky Day collection offers immediate access to 14-day loans of new and popular titles. Lucky Day collections include print books funded by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc. as well as eBooks and eAudiobooks in Libby or OverDrive. These items cannot be requested or held and cannot be renewed.


All branches provide access to the library catalog, Internet access (Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome), Microsoft Office 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher) and Online Library Resources. Windows and Apple-Macintosh computers are available. Accessibility settings and devices can be provided upon request.

Anyone who lives, works, owns property, or goes to school in Martin County can obtain a library card at any branch. A computer reservation lasts one hour and may be renewed unless another user is waiting for a session.

A Sign-in can be obtained with a library card. However, no sign-in is required for the library’s dedicated catalog computers or the 15-minute Express PC’s.

To sign in to a public internet computer with a library card, patrons may type their full library card number into an Available computer of their choice. If all computers are in use, patrons with a library card may request a sign-in ticket from a staff member. A sign-in ticket will display the patron’s assigned computer, the time it will become available, and a temporary PIN number to unlock the computer.

You have five minutes to sign in to your computer from the time printed on the receipt. If you have not signed in within the five minutes, your session will be cancelled and you will need to sign in for a new session.

The time limit on the public internet computers is 45 minutes. When you sign in to the computer, a clock will be displayed on the screen showing the time remaining in your session. If there is someone waiting for your computer, your session will end after 45 minutes. You will receive warnings five minutes and one minute before your session ends. Please save or print any work that you need. If there are other computers available, the PC Reservation system will extend the 45-minute session for another 15 minutes each time it reaches five minutes remaining. The computer will continue to extend the session as long as there are computers available. The time limit on the Express PC's is 15 minutes.

At least one Express PC is available at all branches. These are intended for people who just need a short, 15-minute session to check something on the internet, send an email, or print a document. No library card is required to use an Express PC. Patrons can sign in using their initials for a 15-minute session that cannot be extended.

Consumer Reports

Yes, all library branches carry Consumer Reports magazine. Each issue has a one-year index in the back and the annual buying guide includes a four-year index. April is the annual automobile issue.

Donating materials

Yes, the Library accepts donations of recent books, audio books, music CDs, and DVDs. Donations in quantities larger then may be carried by the donor should be delivered to the Friends Book Depot.

  • Donations should be clean, without odor or stains and in good condition.
  • Local history materials from the Martin County and Treasure Coast areas are welcome, as are foreign language materials.
  • Donations in quantities larger then may be carried by the donor should be delivered to the Friends Book Depot.
  • Small quantities of donations that can be carried by the donor may be received at any branch library.
  • All gifts are inspected by staff for odor, water damage, wear, and age.
  • Appropriate material may be added to the collection, put in the book sale or, if not in acceptable condition, discarded.
  • If desired, the donor can receive a written acknowledgment of the gift if the materials are added to the collection. If the patron wishes to receive such an acknowledgment, he/she should leave name and address and number of books donated. Library staff will not appraise the books or indicate a value in the acknowledgment letter.
  • When gift items are withdrawn from the collection, the Library will not notify the donor of the withdrawal. The Library will not automatically replace worn-out or lost gift items.
  • The Library does not pick up gifts or pay transportation costs for gift items.

Items not accepted include donations of:

  • Old newspapers or periodicals
  • Textbooks or encyclopedias
  • VHS tapes

Each library location has a magazine donation bin. Visitors are invited to leave magazines in this bin for others to help themselves.


Yes, the Blake Library has a genealogy room which houses a collection of genealogy books and CD-ROMs. All computers in the library provide in-house access to the Ancestry Library Edition database.

Volunteers from the Martin County Genealogical Society are usually in the room to assist. More information on the Martin County Genealogical Society can be found at their website.


The Blake Library has a microfilm reader/printer that can read both microfilm and microfiche. Pages can be printed at $.10/page. Scans of the following microfilm collections may be accessed at any branch library’s News computer:

  • Stuart News 1925–2018
  • Stuart Messenger 1913–1925
  • South Florida Developer 1925–1931
  • Jensen Beach Mirror 1961–1985


The Library carries many newspapers and many are available at the Blake library. 

  • Stuart News - daily & Sunday
  • Palm Beach Post - daily & Sunday
  • New York Times - daily & Sunday
  • Wall Street Journal - daily
  • USA Today - daily
  • Investor's Business Daily - daily
  • Barrons - weekly
  • South Florida Business Journal - weekly


Yes, you can print from the library computers and from home. Black and white prints are $0.10 per page while color prints are $1.00 per page. After a print job is sent from a library computer or through the mobile printing service, they are held in queue at the branch library's print release station. To claim your print job, insert your library card number (if from a public internet computer), your initials (if from an express computer), or your email address (if from mobile printing). Prints may be paid for using the terminal next to the print release station, which accepts credit/debit cards, nickels, dimes, quarters, or $1 and $5 bills. The machine also gives change in coins.


The Martin County Library public computers have many various software programs installed for patron usage, including:

  • Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers
  • Microsoft Office 365 including the following Microsoft programs:
  • Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Publisher
  • OneNote
  • Windows Media Player and Adobe Reader

Files can be saved temporarily on the library computers. Once your computer session ends, all files will be erased. You cannot install your own software on the library computers and the library does not have any software that can be copied or checked out.

Working at the Library

Visit for the latest information on available positions at Martin County Library System. 

We also hire through our staffing partner, reSOURCE. Visit their website for more details and to apply: