
Clifton S. Perry Beach is a 17-acre natural area located on Hutchinson Island. The property is on NE MacArthur Boulevard between Santa Lucea Beach and the House of Refuge. The property was acquired using funding from the Martin County Parks and Conservation Lands Sales Tax and the Florida Communities Trust program.

Perry Beach is a largely undisturbed natural area that extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian River Lagoon (IRL). This portion of the IRL is included within the Jensen Beach to Jupiter Inlet Aquatic Preserve. 

Perry Beach supports several imperiled biological communities, including beach and dune, coastal strand, maritime hammock, and tidal (mangrove) swamp. The site also provides important habitat for several rare plant and animal species.

Acquisition of Perry Beach provided an opportunity to preserve and showcase these rapidly disappearing native habitats. The County developed facilities with an emphasis on providing access the IRL lagoon.


  • A small shellrock parking area complete with one space for school buses;
  • A covered shade bench adjacent to the parking area;
  • An interpretative trail and boardwalk to provide passive recreation and related educational opportunities;
  • Stairs from the boardwalk leading down into the water;
  • canoe/kayak launch;
  • A fishing pier; 
  • A side walk connecting the property to beach access at Santa Lucea, and
  • An open air educational pavilion over the estuary with bench seating.

This property is also on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's State Designated Paddling Trail. To view the paddling trails located specifically in Martin County, please select the "Paddling Trails Map" button. 

We hope you enjoy this beautiful ecological jewel and remember to “take only pictures and leave only footprints."

A boardwalk at Clifton S. Perry Beach