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Virtual Building Inspections

Virtual Inspections with VuSpex

The Martin County Building Department is now offering VuSpex, a virtual building inspections tool that provides inspection services to contractors / owner-builders remotely, with the use of any device. Using VuSpex, inspectors can thoroughly perform a virtual inspection from any location, saving the contractors both time and money.

Who Can Use It?

Currently, VuSpex can be used for the following permit types:

  • Air-conditioning
  • Garage door
  • Water heater, and
  • Window and door

Contractors / owner-builders must have a cell phone with adequate resolution and signal quality and must be able to download the VuSpex GO App.


  1. Download the VuSpex GO App to your device: 
  2. After downloading the VuSpex GO App, please refer to the "Checklist of Required Photos" section in the permit type instruction PDF document(s) below, in order to submit the VuSpex Offline Field Report of the installation.

Contact Us

For any additional questions about virtual inspections, please contact us.

Martin County Building Department
900 SE Ruhnke Street
Stuart, FL 34994

Office Hours:
Monday–Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

(772) 288-5489