In The Spotlight
Flood Awareness Week is March 3-9, 2025. Now is the perfect time to visit Martin County's Flood Protection page to learn about flood warnings, flood zones, and more.
The State of the County Address is now available for viewing. Take a look back at highlights from 2024.
View our yearly report featuring highlights of County achievements.
Your input matters! Take our quick 5-question survey and share your thoughts on Martin County's Art in Public Places program. Your feedback will help guide future public art projects in our community.
At the Martin County Library System, we care deeply about our patrons and the community we serve. Please complete this short survey. Your input will help us improve library services.
Pursuant to Florida Statutes § 163.380, notice is hereby given that Martin County is inviting proposals from qualified private redevelopers, persons or entities interested in owning and redeveloping a lot, located in the Old Palm City Community Redevelopment Area at the northwest corner of SW Martin Highway and SW Palm City School Road, with a site address of 3500 SW Palm City School Avenue, Tract 58, Palm City Farms PB 6/42, Old Palm City Redevelopment Zoning District.
Registration is now open for Martin CARES (Citizens Academy and Resource Education Series), an award-winning program that offers a behind-the-scenes look at Martin County government. Over a six-week period, participants will enjoy a variety of field trips and presentations. Find out how you can participate in our next session!
Read how Martin County Utilities and Solid Waste provides residents and businesses with reliable water, sewer, and reclaimed water management services.
Your County. Your Newsletter.