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Oct 18

Business Development Board of Martin County Executive Committee Meeting

Business Development Board of Martin County

The following are the purposes for which this Corporation has been organized:

•    To promote the economic and business welfare in Martin County and the sites therein by increasing employment opportunities.

•    To solicit support and aid of the public in this work.

•    To promote and conduct economic programs designed to retain existing businesses and to strengthen and expand the income potential of businesses within Martin County in accordance with the Economic Element of the Martin County Comprehensive Plan.

•    To engage in activities seeking to bring qualified businesses and industry into Martin County.

•    To develop and carry out activities for the purposes of raising the money to meet the expenses and establish funds and otherwise create and support the purposes of the Corporation and to manage, invest, and disburse such monies in accordance with the non-profit purposes of the Corporation.

•    The Corporation shall have such corporate powers as are granted in Chapter 617 of the Florida Statutes and all amendments subsequent thereto, together with such other additional powers as shall be reasonably co-existent and appropriate and necessary for the full use and proper management of the Corporation of any of its purposes; provided, however, that this Corporation in exercising anyone or more of its powers, shall do so in furtherance of the exempt purposes for which it has been organized, and as described in the Internal Revenue Code, and provisions herein, which conflict with those purposes and would render the Corporation non-exempt, shall be treated as void and of no effect.

Janine Khan, Office Administrator