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Oct 7

Joint Citizens'/Technical/Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting

The Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) strives to represent the citizens of Martin County and is responsible for providing continuous public input for the MPO decision-making process.  In this capacity, the Committee reviews and comments on transportation planning documents and relevant issues to be brought before the MPO Board.

The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a source of wide-ranging professional expertise for the MPO Board and includes representatives from city, county, and state governmental agencies. The Committee is responsible for advising the Board on all technical matters, including transportation plans, studies, and implementation programs. Additional benefits result from the continuous and worthwhile coordination between Committee Members and agencies.

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) represents the citizens of Martin County on all bicycle and pedestrian-related issues. The Committee is responsible for providing input into the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) decision-making process, which includes reviewing and commenting on planning documents and identifying relevant issues to be brought before the MPO Board.

Ricardo Vazquez, Principal Planner