In The Spotlight
Your input matters! Take our quick 5-question survey and share your thoughts on Martin County's Art in Public Places program. Your feedback will help guide future public art projects in our community.
Pursuant to Florida Statutes § 163.380, notice is hereby given that Martin County is inviting proposals from qualified private redevelopers, persons or entities interested in owning and redeveloping a lot, located in the Old Palm City Community Redevelopment Area at the northwest corner of SW Martin Highway and SW Palm City School Road, with a site address of 3500 SW Palm City School Avenue, Tract 58, Palm City Farms PB 6/42, Old Palm City Redevelopment Zoning District.
Read how Martin County Utilities and Solid Waste provides residents and businesses with reliable water, sewer, and reclaimed water management services.
Don’t miss out! On Wednesday, March 19, from 6-8:30 p.m., head to Lamar Howard Park for a fun evening of sports, games and music. Get to know the GAAP program and enjoy FREE food (while supplies last). Open to Martin County students ages 5-15. Pre-registration is required.
The Library offers special delivery services to assisted living facilities and individuals who have difficulty visiting a library.
Search for county projects prioritized within the Capital Improvement Plan and for proposed private development projects. All projects listed are in unincorporated Martin County.
The State of the County Address is now available for viewing. Take a look back at highlights from 2024.
View our yearly report featuring highlights of County achievements.
Your input matters! Take our quick 5-question survey and share your thoughts on Martin County's Art in Public Places program. Your feedback will help guide future public art projects in our community.
Pursuant to Florida Statutes § 163.380, notice is hereby given that Martin County is inviting proposals from qualified private redevelopers, persons or entities interested in owning and redeveloping a lot, located in the Old Palm City Community Redevelopment Area at the northwest corner of SW Martin Highway and SW Palm City School Road, with a site address of 3500 SW Palm City School Avenue, Tract 58, Palm City Farms PB 6/42, Old Palm City Redevelopment Zoning District.
Read how Martin County Utilities and Solid Waste provides residents and businesses with reliable water, sewer, and reclaimed water management services.
Don’t miss out! On Wednesday, March 19, from 6-8:30 p.m., head to Lamar Howard Park for a fun evening of sports, games and music. Get to know the GAAP program and enjoy FREE food (while supplies last). Open to Martin County students ages 5-15. Pre-registration is required.
The Library offers special delivery services to assisted living facilities and individuals who have difficulty visiting a library.
Search for county projects prioritized within the Capital Improvement Plan and for proposed private development projects. All projects listed are in unincorporated Martin County.
The State of the County Address is now available for viewing. Take a look back at highlights from 2024.
View our yearly report featuring highlights of County achievements.
Your input matters! Take our quick 5-question survey and share your thoughts on Martin County's Art in Public Places program. Your feedback will help guide future public art projects in our community.
Pursuant to Florida Statutes § 163.380, notice is hereby given that Martin County is inviting proposals from qualified private redevelopers, persons or entities interested in owning and redeveloping a lot, located in the Old Palm City Community Redevelopment Area at the northwest corner of SW Martin Highway and SW Palm City School Road, with a site address of 3500 SW Palm City School Avenue, Tract 58, Palm City Farms PB 6/42, Old Palm City Redevelopment Zoning District.
Read how Martin County Utilities and Solid Waste provides residents and businesses with reliable water, sewer, and reclaimed water management services.
Martin County Centennial
Martin County was incorporated on August 5, 1925, from parts of northern Palm Beach County and southern St. Lucie County. This year, we are commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of Martin County. Visit the Centennial website to learn more about our rich history, find Centennial-related events and view our historic photo gallery. Get involved in the celebration!
Search the Martin County Project Portal to view details about projects in your neighborhood.
Submit a request for non-emergency county services, information, or report a concern, 24/7.
View a map of road closures and restrictions in unincorporated Martin County.
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Connect with Martin County, Florida on Social Media and Download the Connect Martin App!
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Pou konvenyans itilizatè yo, sitwèb Martin County sa a itilize sèvis tradiksyon lang gratis Google la. Lè w klike sou bouton "Mwen Aksepte", ou dakò ke paj yo nan sit entènèt sa a pral konvèti nan lang ki pa angle. Martin County te fè tout efò posiblite pou asire tradiksyon an presizyon. Sepandan, pa gen okenn tradiksyon machin oswa òdinatè ki pafè. Pa egzanp, tradiksyon an pa sansib nan kontèks epi li pa ka tradui tèks la nèt ak tout siyifikasyon li. Epitou, ou ka jwenn diferans ki asosye ak dyalèk oswa preferans rejyonal yo. Epitou, ou pa ka tradui grafik ak tèks, dosye PDF oswa aplikasyon espesyal sou sit entènèt sa a. Martin County pa responsab pou tradiksyon Google bay la. Vèsyon orijinal sitwèb sa a disponib nan lang angle. Si gen nenpòt diferans ant vèsyon angle a nan sit entènèt sa a ak vèsyon an tradui, vèsyon angle a pral pran priyorite. Lè w klike sou "Mwen dakò", ou dakò ke nenpòt dezakò nan tradiksyon an pa pral obligatwa epi yo pa pral gen okenn efè legal. Martin County pa ka garanti presizyon tèks konvèti a epi li pa sipoze okenn responsablite ki ka rive lè w sèvi ak oswa konte sou tradiksyon Google bay la. Lè w klike sou "Mwen dakò" ou dakò pou renonse nenpòt pèt ki ka lakòz Martin County lè w konte sou tradiksyon Google bay la.
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